ClickCeaseE-Commerce - Applied Imagination
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(770) 300-0244

We know E-Commerce inside and out

Whether you need a new E-Commerce store or want to improve your existing E-commerce website we can help.

We have experience in both B2B and B2C formats as well as a broad range of platforms.

How we can help you

I need an E-commerce store
  • Help you identify the best platform for your needs, whether its a standardized platform like Magento or Shopify, or we can custom build one for you if that's the best option moving forward.
  • Add E-commerce to an existing website
  • Set up an E-commerce store and all associated supporting vendors
I have an E-commerce store
  • Fix bugs or issues
  • Speed up your website
  • Offer advice on how to increase conversions.
  • Improve the design, user experience, and user interface to make it easier to use.
  • Help you integrate ERPs, CRM, Shipping, Payment methods, etc.
  • Improve your Website's Responsiveness
  • Upgrades or New Platforms

What can cause an E-Commerce store to underperform?

  • Bugs & Functionality Issues
  • Slow Website or Overloaded Servers
  • Poor Website Design
  • Bad Product Photos or Descriptions
  • Poor User Experience & Site Navigation
  • Bugs in Integrations like Credit Cards & Shipping services
  • Security Issues like SSL, Firewalls
  • Insufficient traffic or unqualified traffic
  • E-commerce platform insufficient for needs
  • Poor Messaging or Communication of Value Proposition
  • Poor Product Organization
  • No plan for improvement
Our team can help you diagnose the issues, prioritize them, and fix them!

Platforms we Suggest

We aren't locked to any one platform. We believe that different platforms have their benefits and their drawbacks. When considering which platform should be used, the relative strengths should be considered. We work with all sorts of E-Commerce platforms, but we typically recommend these platforms for new projects.

For smaller projects without large product lines, specialty ordering processes, custom checkouts, or custom functionality, we typically recommend Shopify. It is simple to use, robust, and a good bang for your buck. Usually, Shopify is great if you're just getting started.
WooCommerce is an E-commerce platform built on the Wordpress CMS. It allows more custom functionality than Shopify and has a host of plugins but is not as robust as Magento and comes with both the good and bad parts of Wordpress. We recommend WooCommerce when you need light custom functionality and your needs exceed what Shopify provides.
For larger projects where you have more than 250 products, require advanced searching, ordering, shipping, order processing, checkout, accounts, etc., we recommend Magento Community Edition. It is robust and used all over the world. It has higher maintenance and development costs, so its more for established, growing companies.
For companies with requirements that don't fit the mold or need advanced or heavy customization, or integration with multiple third party/external systems, custom is the way to go. We can custom build you a system that will fit you and your organization like a glove.

Platforms we've worked with

When you've been in business as long as we have, customers bring you all sorts of platforms to work with. We haven't worked with them all, but we've worked with a great number of them. Here are a few of the more common ones;

Woo Commerce

For Development

We only use industry standard programming languages and databases so that our code is as flexible and adaptable as possible.


View our work

What Makes Us Unique?

We stand by our work

We offer a guarantee on all the work we do against any bugs or issues for 30 days. The majority of issues you encounter will be found in the first 30 days after the launch of a website or web/mobile app.

We're not just web developers

Sure we build websites but we can do heavy lifting like building web-applications, mobile applications, and software that runs companies. We also do Digital Marketing Consulting; helping companies optimize their websites for conversions or sales and plan and execute digital campaigns.

We only employ the best

We spend a great deal of time and resources hiring our consultants and staff. We like to hire smart, creative people who have technical know how. We're serious about doing great work and like to work with like minded people.

We've been in business for 20+ years

We're not going to up and disappear on you like other companies in our industry. We've worked with some clients for 11+ years and have grown alongside them.

We're more experienced technically and marketing wise than other companies

Most companies in our industry farm out the technical work of programming, UI/UX, and graphics but we handle it all internally. Unlike most web companies we have expertise in Digital and Traditional marketing which helps us make better products.

We don't outsource our work

Unlike other companies in our industry we don't outsource our work to subcontractors. We also don't offshore our work to cheaper, lower quality developers, designers, etc. Our focus is on quality.

Our Consultants Will Guide You

We firmly believe that projects should be guided from start to finish by experienced consultants with development, graphics, and management experience who can understand both the business processes and the technical aspects to address our clients' needs.

They will also be your primary contact with our team and will help coordinate the project.

All of our consultants have a minimum of 5 years of experience and go through extensive training.

Jennifer ChanEric ChanRamsez StamperSean GonsmanJerry Head