ClickCeaseMobile Applications - Applied Imagination
Give Us a Call!
(770) 300-0244

We can build you a custom mobile application and optimize it

We build all types of mobile applications, including iPhone apps, Windows apps and mobile website apps. Our team of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) experts, graphic designers, developers and consultants create high-quality custom mobile applications that are hyper-focused to companies’ business and marketing objectives. We also specialize in optimizing mobile applications over time.

How we can help you

I need a Mobile App
  • Build your customized mobile application
  • Define business goals and digital marketing strategy that will drive design
  • Choose the right platform
  • Create information architecture (IA) and user interface (UI)
  • Determine primary and secondary messaging
  • Tailor user experience (UX)
  • Post-launch support
I have a Mobile App
  • Enhance your existing application
  • Identify weak areas with extensive testing
  • Strengthen UI, UX and IA
  • Ensure your business and digital marketing objectives are hyper-focused
  • Ongoing support
  • Quality assurance testing
  • Optimization over time
  • Proactive services

Types of Mobile Applications

We’ll help you choose the right one based on the purpose of your app.

Mobile Apps
These are usually downloaded or purchased from an app store and installed on your mobile phone. In order for a native mobile app to work on different devices (Android, iPhone, Windows), it needs to be specifically programmed for each one.
Mobile Apps
These are also downloaded or purchased from an app store and installed on your mobile phone. While they don’t have as many features or the extensive functionality that native mobile apps have, applications created using this technology will work on iPhones, Android and Windows phones. There is only one app to build and maintain, which saves time and money.
Mobile Website
These are websites that have been formatted for mobile phones. They behave much like mobile apps, however, they have fewer abilities than mobile apps and are limited to basic functionality. They can’t be installed on a mobile phone through an app store; instead, they have to be "bookmarked." Despite the drawback, the benefits are that they are cost-effective, faster to produce, work on any mobile device and require little maintenance.

Based on the functionality and purpose of your Mobile App, we will be able to tell you which path is best.

Optimizing Mobile Apps Is Often Overlooked

Launching your app doesn’t signal the end of the process. There are metrics, analytics and analysis tools, including Google Analytics and HotJar, that allow you to see where users are dropping from your app and why certain areas of your app aren’t being used. They also enable you to study user behavior so that you can optimize your app over time. We can help you with optimization, even for an existing app. We’ll work to increase conversions and improve the success of your app over time.

Platforms We Suggest

We aren’t locked to any one platform. We believe that different platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, all of which should be considered.

For Native Mobile Apps, we use industry-standard Xcode (iOS), Java (Android) and C# (Windows).
For Universal Mobile Apps, we use the popular Adobe PhoneGap platform. This platform allows you to create a single application and export it to work on different devices (iOS, Android, Windows).
For Mobile Websites, we create custom code using a combination of industry standard web technologies.

For Hosting:

Faster, more dependable and extensible hosting.

For Security:

We protect our websites using 2048 bit SSL certificates.

For Development

We only use industry standard programming languages and databases so that our code is as flexible and adaptable as possible.


View our work

What Makes Us Unique?

We stand by our work

We offer a guarantee on all the work we do against any bugs or issues for 30 days. The majority of issues you encounter will be found in the first 30 days after the launch of a website or web/mobile app.

We're not just web developers

Sure we build websites but we can do heavy lifting like building web-applications, mobile applications, and software that runs companies. We also do Digital Marketing Consulting; helping companies optimize their websites for conversions or sales and plan and execute digital campaigns.

We only employ the best

We spend a great deal of time and resources hiring our consultants and staff. We like to hire smart, creative people who have technical know how. We're serious about doing great work and like to work with like minded people.

We've been in business for 20+ years

We're not going to up and disappear on you like other companies in our industry. We've worked with some clients for 11+ years and have grown alongside them.

We're more experienced technically and marketing wise than other companies

Most companies in our industry farm out the technical work of programming, UI/UX, and graphics but we handle it all internally. Unlike most web companies we have expertise in Digital and Traditional marketing which helps us make better products.

We don't outsource our work

Unlike other companies in our industry we don't outsource our work to subcontractors. We also don't offshore our work to cheaper, lower quality developers, designers, etc. Our focus is on quality.

Our Consultants Will Guide You

We firmly believe that projects should be guided from start to finish by experienced consultants with development, graphics, and management experience who can understand both the business processes and the technical aspects to address our clients' needs.

They will also be your primary contact with our team and will help coordinate the project.

All of our consultants have a minimum of 5 years of experience and go through extensive training.

Jennifer ChanEric ChanRamsez StamperSean GonsmanJerry Head